Genesis 15:1: After these things, the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying; Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
Isaiah 53:5: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he wasbruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
2.Thessalonians 3:3: But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

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Introduction: God now offers salvation to us through our faith in Jesus Christ. We are saved through our faith in Jesus, not through any religion or good works. To accept God’s offer of salvation we must do four things:
Sin has three results or penalties:
- Admit our sins openly and repent ( turn from our sins)
- Believe that Jesus died for each of us and rose again
- Receive the risen Christ by faith as our own personal savior
- Publically confess Him as our Lord ( speak up and tell others that Jesus is Lord)
Here is what happens when we receive Jesus in this way:
- He comes to live forever in our hearts
- He gives us eternal life
- He gives us the power to lead a life of righteousness
- He gives us victory over sin
Memory Work: John 1:12-13
12. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name :
13. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
- When should we seek salvation? ( 2. Cor. 6:2) ( Prov. 27:1)Now, Today we should seek salvation.
- Can we save ourselves by our good works? ( Titus 3:5) No. We can not have salvation by our own works.
- Can we be saved by keeping the law? ( Rom. 3:20) No. We can not be saved by keeping the law.
- If we desire God’s mercy, what two things must we do? ( Prov. 28:13) (1) We must confess our sins (2) Forsake ( leave behind ) our sins.
- If we confess our sins, what two things will God do for us? ( 1. John 1:9) (1) He will forgive our sins (2) Cleanse us from all unrighteousness ( evil and immoral way).
- What is the means God uses to cleanse our hearts from all sin? ( 1 John 1:7) The blood of Jesus Christ, God’s Son cleanses our hearts from all sin.
- If we desire to be saved, what two things must we do? ( Rom. 10:9,10) (1) With our hearts? Believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. (2) With our mouth ?Confess Jesus is Lord.
- If we come to Jesus, will He reject us ? ( John 6:37) No. He will not reject us.
- If we open our hearts to receive Jesus, what promise has He given us ? ( Rev. 3:20) I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.
- If we receive Jesus, What does He give us? ( John 1:12) He gives us power ( right) to become the children of God.
- What experience do we have as a result? ( John 1:13) ( John 3:3) We are born again( Born of God)
- When we receive Jesus, What does God give us through Him? ( John 6:23) God gives us eternal life.
- Is it possible for us to know we have eternal life? ( 1 . John 5:13) Yes. ( John’s purpose is to give us this assurance).
- What record does God give us about Jesus? ( 1 John 5:11). Christ Jesus lives in our hearts.
- If we have received Jesus, the Son of God, what do we have? ( 1 John 5:12-13) Eternal life.
- After we have received Jesus, who lives in our hearts by faith? ( Gal. 2:20) ( Eph. 3:17) Christ Jesus lives in our hearts.
- What can we do through the strength that Jesus gives us? ( Phili. 4:13) We can do all things.
- If we openly accept or confess Jesus before men, what will He do for us? (Matt. 10:32) He will confess us before His Heavenly Father.
- If we deny Jesus before men, what will He do? ( Matt.10:33) He will deny us before His Heavenly Father.
- What kind of person is able to overcome the world and its temptations? (1) (John 5:4) . Born again ( Born of God) believer. (2) ( 1 John 5:5) The one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
- Why are God’s children able to overcome the world? ( 1 John 4:4) Because He ( God ) who is in them is greater than he( devil) who is in the world.
- By what two things do the people of God overcome the devil? ( Rev. 12:11) (1) By the blood of the Lamb ( Christ Jesus) (2) By the word of their testimony
- Whom has God promised to receive in heaven as His child? ( Rev. 21:7) He who overcomes.
Memory Work: John 1:12,13
But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on His name. Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
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