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Genesis 15:1: After these things, the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying; Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.


Isaiah 53:5: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he wasbruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.


2.Thessalonians 3:3: But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.



But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)



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Study Eighteen

1. Introduction:
The Bible tells us of many special things that will happen in the world just before Christ’s second coming. These things will be signs to warn us that He is coming soon. In this study, some of the most important signs are stated. They are divided into two groups:

  1. Signs in the world of Religion B. Signs in the world at large
Below each group of signs are given the references to the passages of scripture in which these signs are mentioned. In this study you are required to do the following: Keys to Jonah
  • Read through the signs in Group A.
  • Read through the Scriptures that are listed below Group A.
  • On the line below each sign, write in the reference of the Scripture that mentions it.
  • Repeat the same process for Group B.
  • At the end of each sign, you will see a square box. When you have done the rest of the study, read through the signs once again, and check each box if you feel that particular sign is being fulfilled in the world as you know it today.
(NOTE: There is one correct Scripture reference for each sign. However, in Group B, Matthew 24:7 applies to three different signs. Write in Matthew 24:7 after each sign to which it applies.)

Memory Work: Luke 21:28

Check here after memorizing the verse. (Review verses from prior lessons daily).

“ Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28).

Study Questions and Answers


  1. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit across the world. Acts 2:17
  2. Evangelism and Missionary activity across the world. Matthew 24:14
  3. Christians put down, hated, tortured, and killed in all nations. Matthew 24:9
  4. Many false Prophets. Matthew 24:11
  5. A great falling away from the Christian faith. 2. Thess. 2:3
  6. Many Christians, misled by the Devil, giving in to deceiving spirits. 1. Timothy 4:1
  7. The love of many Christians growing cold. Matthew 24:12


  1. Outpouring of the Holy Spirit across the world. Acts 2:17
  2. Evangelism and Missionary activity across the world. Matthew 24:14
  3. Christians put down, hated, tortured, and killed in all nations. Matthew 24:9
  4. Many false Prophets. Matthew 24:11
  5. A great falling away from the Christian faith. 2. Thess. 2:3
  6. Many Christians, misled by the Devil, giving in to deceiving spirits. 1. Timothy 4:1
  7. The love of many Christians growing cold. Matthew 24:12


  • Matthew 24:12
  • 1.Timothy 4:1
  • Matthew 24:9
  • Acts 2:17
  • Matthew 24:11
  • 2.Thess.2:3
  • Matthew 24:14


  1. Great international wars, nation will rise against nation. Matthew 24:7
  2. Increase of Travel and knowledge. Daniel 12:4
  3. Rise of Zionism and Rebuilding Israel. Psalm 102:16
  4. Jerusalem liberated from the rule of Gentiles. Luke 21:24
  5. Many scoffers denying the Word of God and promise of Christ’s return. 2.Peter 3:2-7
  6. People locked in material pleasures and day to day living and forgetting the coming judgements of God.Luke 17: 26-30
  7. Great decline in moral and upright living, along with the decline of outward forms of religion. 2. Timothy 3:1-5
  8. Lawlessness will abound. Matthew 24:12
  9. Famines and Pestilences. Matthew 24:7
  10. Earthquakes in many places. Matthew 24:7
  11. Distress of nations and perplexity (confusion). Luke 21:25
  12. Many antichrists. 1 John 2:18


  • Matthew 24:12
  • Luke 21:24
  • 1.John 2:18
  • 2.Peter 3:2-7
  • Daniel 12:4
  • Matthew 24:7
  • Luke 17:26-30
  • Psalm 102:16
  • 2. Timothy 3:1-5
  • Luke 21:25

Three final important Questions:
There are nineteen different sign’s of Christ’s coming mentioned in this study.

  1. Next to how many of them did you place a check?
  2. Does this indicate to you that Christ may be coming soon?
  3. If so, are you ready?

( The numbers on this page refer back to the numbers on the Correct Answer page.)
1. The expression “all flesh” means the entire human race. It is often used with this meaning in the Prophets (Isaiah 40:5-6)# (Jer. 25:35)# (Ezek.21:4-5)#. Every part of the human race will feel the impact of this last great outpouring God’s Spirit.
2. Bringing the Gospel to other people is the natural effect of the outpouring of God’s Spirit. Note the special comment after this sign: “ And then the end will come”(Matt.24:14).
3. There were more Christian martyrs in the twentieth century than in any other century. For example, many communist countries persecute Christians as a matter of state policy.
4-6. These three signs all point to a great increase in satanic pressures and deceptions aimed at luring Christians from their loyalty to Christ. The Bible indicates that, at the end, there will be only two groups of Christians. One is described as a “bride” and the other as a “harlot”. The bride is faithful to the Bridegroom (Christ). The harlot is unfaithful to the Christ( see Revelation 17-18).
7. This sign matches the picture of the church in Laodicea. The damning sign of these Christians is being “lukewarm”; they are neither hot nor cold ( Rev. 3:14-22). This decline in the love by Christians will be mainly due to one or more of the following factors:

  1. Christians being bitterly persecuted;
  2. Christians being tricked by the Devil;
  3. Christians living mainly for money and material comfort.

8. The last century has seen wars greater and more numerous than any other century, especially the two world wars.
9. Note how these two factors are logically connected. The increase in knowledge (science) makes possible the increase in travel. Likewise, more travel increases knowledge.
10-11.The rise of “Zionism”, the rebirth of the state of Israel, and the six-days war of 1967 are among the great miracles of modern history. Someone has said: “ The Jews are the minute hand on God’s Prophetic clock, and that hand has almost reached midnight.”
12. The last century has seen repeated bold attacks on the Bible unlike any other century. It is ironic that these attacks on the Bible actually confirm its accuracy since the Bible clearly predicts them.
13-15,18. These signs are proved to be true daily by the newspapers of the modern world. ( Compare Luke 17:28 with Genesis 6:5,12-13)# The three main evil features of Noah’s days were:
  1. Evil thoughts and desires
  2. Degraded and immoral sex;
  3. Violence.

16. Famines and plagues naturally tend to go together, and both are often caused by war.
17. Records over the past century show a striking increase in the number of earthquakes.
19. The work of “the spirit of antichrist”( 1.John 4:3) is twofold;
First, to move Christ from His supreme, God-given position of authority;
Second, to raise up someone else in Christ’s place. In this sense, the main political ideologies of this and past generations-Islam, Fascism, and Communism- have all been anti- Christian (as are many other political religious forces at work in the world today).
However, the world still awaits the final AntiChrist, as described in 2. Thessalonians 2:3-12.

6. Jonah:

The name Jonah means dove. He was a minor prophet who ran from God's call. Famous for surviving being swallowed by a great fish. Jonah's Home was Gath Hepher of Zebulun(2 Kings 14:25), north of Nazareth in Galilee, compare the misstatement quoted in John 7:52.

The first verse introduces Jonah as "The son of Amittai". 2.Kings 14:25 says that he was a prophet in the reign of Jeroboam II of Israel. Jonah was a Galilean. One tradition says that Jonah was the son of the widow of Zarepath whom Elijah raised from the dead (1.Kings 17:8-24). Jonah was a historical prophet:" He restored the territory of Israel from the entrance of Hamath to the sea of the Arabah, According to the Word of the LORD God of Israel, which He had spoken through His servant Jonah the son of Amittai, the Prophet who was form Gath Hepher"( 2 Kings 14:25).

7. Nineveh:

The capital of Assyria. It was noted for its cruelty and violence (Jon.3:8). This is confirmed by the ancient records found there. Under the preaching of Jonah in the 8 th Century B.C., the city and king had turned to God (Jon.3:3-10). God's call to repentance (change of mind and behaviour) is the important message. Jesus said: "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand, Repent, and believe in the gospel"(Mark 1:15).

Dear Friends, I am praying for you. I believe this Bible Study on the Book of Jonah is useful in your spiritual journey. If you have any prayer request, please write to me. I am fasting and praying every Saturday. Send seed offering (M.O./Demand Draft/Cheque or Bank transfer to the ministry in Chennai and other cities and towns. God bless you.

Pas. C. Peter Chandran The Living God Ministries
cell:944 511 3726
Email: peterchandran@hotmail.com
Visit: www.thelivinggodministries.org
Rev. C.Peter Chandran, #46/61,First Floor, East Jones Road, Saidapet, Chennai-600015.T.N.India.




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