The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Corinthians
Introduction 1:1-9
- Discussion of Problems about which Paul had been informed( 1:10-6:20)
- Divisions in the Church (1:10-4:21)
- Four factions (1:10-17)
- Causes of divisions(1:18-4:5)
- A wrong conception of wisdom (1:18-3:4)
- A wrong conception of Christian Ministry (3:5-4:5)
- An appeal for Reconciliation(4:6-21)
Principle: The church as the one body of CHRIST(cf.12:12 ff) should not be split into Separate parts(1:10,13).
- Moral Problems in the church (5:1-6:20)
- A problem of incest and Church Discipline(5:1-13)
- The problem of secular lawsuits between Christians(6:1-11)
- The Problem of sexual Immorality(6:12-20)
Principle: You who are united with the Lord, conduct yourself so as to bring honour to Him(6:17,20).
- Answers to Questions about which the Corinthians had written (7:1-16:9)
- Questions concerning Marriage(7:1-40)
- Marriage and celibacy(7:1-9)
- Christian obligations in Marriage (7:10-16)
- Principle of Contentment (7:17-24)
- Counsel to the unmarried (7:25-38)
- Instruction about remarriage (7:30-40)
Principle: God gives the gift of a Husband or wife, others He gives the gift of remaining single for sake of the kingdom(7:7,32).
- Questions concerning the use of Christian Liberty (8:1-11:1)
- The problem of food offered to idols (8:1-13)
- Paul’s disciplined use of Freedom (9:1-27)
- A warning against presumptuous over-confidence (10:1-13)
- The Incompatibility of idol feasts and the Lord’s Table (10:14-23)
- Some General principles and practical Advice(10:24-11:1)
Principle: Do everything to bring glory to God; do nothing that might make others stumble (10:31-32) or might disqualify you from the race(9:24-27).
- Questions concerning Public Worship (11:2-14:40)
- Woman’s head covering in Church (11:2-16)
- Behaviour at the Lord’s supper(11:17-34)
- Spiritual Gifts (12:1-14:40)
Principle: Let all things be done in a decent and orderly manner (14:40).
- Questions Concerning the Resurrection (15:1-58)
- How can some say there is no Resurrection of the Dead? (15:12)
- The certainty of the Resurrection (15:1-34)
- How are the dead raised? With what kind of body Do they come?( 15:35)
- The Nature of the resurrection Body (15:35-57)
- Conclusion to the Question (15:58)
Principle: Christ’s Resurrection from the dead guarantees the resurrection from the dead belong to Christ when He comes back (15:22-23)
- Questions Concerning the collection for God’s people (16:1-9)
Final Instructions (16:10-24)
Apostle Paul
Church Problems and Solutions
IV. DATE 0F WRITING: 55/56 of First Century
Corinth, an ancient city of Greece, was in many ways the most prominent Greek metropolis of Paul’s time. Like many of today’s prosperous cities, Corinth was intellectually arrogant, materially affluent and morally corrupt. Sin of every kind flourished in this notoriously sensual city.
In conjunction with Priscilla and Aquila (16:19) and his own Apostolic team(Acts 18:5), Paul founded the Corinthian Church during his 18 month ministry at Corinth during his second missionary journey ( Acts 18:1-17). The Church was made up of some Jews but mostly of Ex-pagan Gentiles. After Paul left Corinth, a variety of problems arose in the young church, requiring his apostolic authority and teaching by written correspondence and visits in person.
The first letter to the Corinthians was written during his three years ministry at Ephesus ( Acts 20:31) on his third missionary journey (Acts 18:23-21:16). Reports reached Paul at Ephesus about the problems at Corinth, a variety of problems at Corinth (1 Cor. 1:11), afterwards a delegation from the Corinthian congregation(16:17) delivered a letter to Paul, requesting his instruction on a variety of issues (7:1;cf.8:1;12:1;16:1). In response to the reports and the letter from Corinth, Paul wrote this letter.
Paul had two primary reasons in mind as he penned this letter:
- To correct the serious problems in the Corinthian church that had been reported to him. There were disorders that the Corinthians viewed lightly, but that Paul regarded as serious sin.
- To provide counsel and instruction on a variety of questions about which the Corinthians had written. These included both issues of doctrine and personal and corporate conduct and purity.

The three divisions of First Corinthians are:
- Answer to Chloe’s report of Divisions(1-4)
- Answer to Report of Fornication(5-6)
- Answer to letter of Questions(7-16)
- Key word : Correction of Carnal living
- Key verses: First Corinthians 5:19,20 and 10:12,13
- Key chapters : First Corinthians 13
True love is primarily an action. Chapter 13 is read at weddings. It is often the text for sermons. I t is the best definition of love ever penned.
Five major features characterize First Corinthians:
- It is the most problem centred letter in the NT. In addressing the various problems and issues at Corinth, Paul gives clear and enduring spiritual principles( see the outline) each of which is applicable universally for the church (e.g.1:10;6:17,20; 9:24-27; 10: 31-32; 14:1-10; 15:22-23).
- There is an overall emphasis on the oneness of the local church as the body of Christ, a focus that occurs in discussions about divisions, the Lord’s supper and Spiritual gifts.
- This letter contains the most extensive NT Teaching on such important subjects as Celibacy, Marriage and Remarriage(Ch.7), The Lord’s supper(10:16-21; 11:17-34), Tongues, Prophecy and Spiritual gifts in corporate gatherings(Cha.12,14),Agape love(charity ch.13), and Resurrection of the Body(Ch.15).
- It provides invaluable wisdom for Pastoral oversight in relation to Church Discipline(Ch.5).
- It emphasizes the real possibility of falling away from the faith by those who persist in unrighteous behaviour and do not hold firmly to Christ(6:9-10; 9:24-27; 10:5-12; 15:1-2).
The Book of First Corinthians should be Read in six days, according to the following schedule:
- 1-4 * 9-11
- 5-6 * 12-14
- 7-8 * 15-16
- Contrast between the wisdom of this world and the wisdom of God.
- Explain the following three kinds of people:
- The natural man
- The spiritual man
- The carnal man
- Explain: 1. Corinthians 3:16, 17 and 6:19,20: “ You are the Temple of God”.
- “ A Minister of Christ is the Steward of the Mysteries of God”( 1.Cor.4:1).Explain.
- “It is good for a man not to touch a woman”- explain.
- Explain the Principle set forth in 1 Corinthians 8:13.
- What are the purposes of the Spiritual gifts in 1.Corinthians 12.
What are the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit?
- Explain : “ The Resurrection of the Body”- 1. Corinthians 15.
Explain the Gospel according to 1.Corinthians 15:1-4.
- Outline the Book of I Corinthians.
What are the Features of First Corinthians?
- Write the following Bible verses from your memory from I. Corinthians:
1:18; 3:16,17; 2:9,10; 9:27; 11:24,25; 13:13; 14:3; 15:3,4; 15:57; 16:13.
Pas. C. Peter Chandran The Living God Ministries
cell:944 511 3726
Email: peterchandran@hotmail.com
Visit: www.thelivinggodministries.org