Genesis 15:1: After these things, the word of the LORD came unto Abram in a vision, saying; Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.
Isaiah 53:5: But he was wounded for our transgressions, he wasbruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
2.Thessalonians 3:3: But the Lord is faithful, who shall establish you, and keep you from evil.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)

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Read the Gospel of John which is one of the 66 Books of the Bible. It consists of 21 chapters. If you carefully read 3 chapters per day, it will take 7 days ( one week) to finish the Book. Read it slowly and thoughtfully.
Memory verse:
After you have finished the Gospel of John, we have a Bible study which you can do and help you remember the things you have already read.
Bible Study on The Gospel of John
The purpose of this study for you is, to understand, accept and believe Gods plan of Salvation. See yourself (1) what the Bible really says about who Jesus Christ is. (2) What He has done for us. (3) The necessity of putting our faith in Him.
Please answer the following questions by looking up the Bible verses which are given, all of which can be found in the Gospel of John.
Your Name and Mailing Address: ( Please print clearly)
Name: |
Address: |
Pincode: |
Email: |
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1. Why was the Gospel of John written( John 20:31)? |
2. Who is Jesus Christ? | |
John 1:1 |
John 1:3 |
| John 4:4 |
John 10:11 |
John 10:30 |
John 11:27 |
John 19:19 |
John 20:28 |
John 20:31 |
3. Let us consider some of the great I AM verses found in Johns Gospel. Again and Again Jesus said, I AM : |
John 6:35 |
John 8:12 |
John 10:9 |
John 10:11 |
John 11:25 |
John 14:6 |
John 15:1 |
John 8:58 |
4. The Problem of SIN. Do men love the light and come to the light or would men rather stay in darkness( John 3:19- 20)? |
How does God describe the deeds of these people( John 3:19)? |
According to Lord Jesus, how many people really keep Gods holy law ( such as the 10 Commandments) perfectly (John 7:19 |
How many people are without any sin ( John 8:7-10)? |
Who is a servant or slave of sin ( John 8 :34)? |
Who is the only one who can set a person free from sin ( John 8:36)? |
5. God has done something very wonderful for sinful man! The word was made(became) -------------. and dwelt among us ( John 1:14). God became a man and He was sent to be the --------------Of the world( John 4:42).Did He come on a mission of Judgment or on a mission of salvation(John 3:17)? |
God loved you so much that He did something very costly for you. What did He do( John 3:16 and also John 19:18 and 19:30)? |
Christ died for our sins! He took our place! Gods wrath and punishment against sin fell upon Him! He was the sinners substitute! Did Jesus really die on the cross( John 19:32-35)? ------------------------- |
Did He really come back from the dead( John chapters 20 and 21)? |
dId Doubting Thomas became Convinced Thomas( John 20:29)? |
Has God given to you enough information to believe the very thing Thomas was convinced of (John 20:29-31)? |
6. Is really such a place as HEAVEN (John 14:1-3)? |
What is the only way to get there( John 14;6)? |
Who is the only one who can give peace to the troubled heart ( John 14:27)? |
Who is the only one who can give Joy to the downcast soul (John 15:11)? |
7. What is ETERNAL LIFE(John 17:3)? |
What must a person do to have eternal life? John 3:36 |
John 5:24 |
John 6:35,37 |
John 6:47 |
John 11:25-26 |
A person can either receive Jesus Christ by faith ( John 1:12 ) or a person can reject the Saviour by not receiving Him ( John 1:11). Which have you done? |
8. What will happen to those who do not believe on Christ and refuse to put their full trust in Him? |
John 8:24 |
John 3:36 |
John 5:28-29 |
John 3:16 They shall perish in lake of fire. TRUE or FALSE: |
Unbelievers are condemned already!( John 3:18-19). |
9. Read John 3:16 and put your own name in the blanks: For God so loved
That He gave His only begotten Son for
.. that if
Believes in Him,
will not perish, but
Will have everlasting life. |
How can you be a true disciple of Jesus Christ (John 8:31)? |
We here at JESUS THE PRINCE OF LIFE BIBLE COLLEGE would like to encourage you to go in Gods direction and have His highest and best for your life.
Please check what you would want ( you may check more than one):
Please correct this Bible Study.
. Please send me more Bible Studies.
Please answer my questions which I have enclosed or attached.
Please send me more information about salvation and eternal life.
.. I would like to make an appointment to talk to the Principal of this Bible College.
Please, Return these filled in answer papers to the address given below:
DR. Prof. C. Peter Chandran, M.Tech., (IITM) ,M.B.A., Ph.D..(Christian Leadership)
The Living God Ministries, P.O.BOX 8760, ADAYAR,
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.thelivinggodministries.org
Prayer line: 9445113726 EMAIL: peterchandran@hotmail.com
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